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River Hospital and River Hospital Foundation Plan to Merge

The River Hospital Board of Trustees and the River Hospital Foundation Board are pleased to announce that they have adopted a plan to merge Foundation responsibilities with the Hospital. This change involves a number of Foundation Board members accepting Hospital Board positions. A Hospital Board Development Committee, made up of members of both boards, will oversee all Foundation activities including donor cultivation, stewardship, and events.

The decision to merge both Boards came as a result of a recommendation by a fundraising consultant retained by both Boards who believes that the combined organization would revitalize donor fundraising initiatives, streamline operations, and create greater efficiencies, which are essential requirements in the new health care environment faced by all health care institutions.

Historically, the Foundation has been responsible for soliciting, receiving and administering gifts, endowments and other charitable contributions made in support of the Hospital. The Hospital will continue to ensure that all gifts are used in accordance with the intent of its generous donors.

The plan has been submitted to the New York Attorney General’s office and the Public Health Council for their review and approval. Once these approvals are made, the Foundation and the Hospital will file a petition with the New York Supreme Court in Jefferson County seeking an order approving the plan. The plan will be fully implemented as soon as all approvals are made.
River Hospital appreciates the dedication, generosity and community support that the Foundation has provided over the years.

For more information, please contact Ben Moore, III, Chief Executive Officer of River Hospital, at (315) 482-1110.