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Love Yourself Breast Screening Day May 14

Lewis and Jefferson Counties. (Thursday, May 14th) - In recognition of Mother’s Day the women throughout the area are invited to participate in a FREE BREAST SCREENING Day sponsored by Samaritan Medical Center Woman to Woman, River Hospital, Carthage Area Hospital and Lewis County General Hospital, American Cancer Society, and Lewis County Public Health Cancer Services Program. Exams will be offered at four sites throughout both counties; River Hospital, Samaritan’s Woman to Woman, Lewis County General Hospital and Carthage Area Hospital. All women age 40 and older who do not have health insurance to cover these exams are eligible for these FREE screenings.

Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in New York State. More than 15,000 women in New York State are newly diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and more than 2,700 women die annually from the disease. While the mortality rate from the disease has been trending downward over the past 20 years, there continues to be health disparities.

A mammogram is recommended every year for women between 50 and 74 years of age. Breast cancer is most commonly found in women 50 years old or older. Other women, including women who are between 40 and 49 years old, or those with family histories or other risk factors for breast cancer, or who have any symptoms or changes in their breasts, should talk to their doctor about what screening schedule is right for them. Recommendations for when a woman should begin breast cancer screening and how often a woman should be screened differ among leading organizations with guidelines for cancer screening.

Although the causes of breast cancer are still unknown, the following factors may increase a woman's risk for the disease:
• Advancing age;
• Having a first menstrual period younger than 12 years old;
• Starting menopause older than the age of 55;
• Never giving birth or having delayed giving birth to a first child until after age 30;
• Not breastfeeding;
• Having a personal or family history (on the mother's or father's side) of breast cancer, especially early (pre-menopausal) breast cancer;
• Having certain gene mutations such as BRCA 1 or BRCA 2;
• Being overweight or obese;
• Drinking alcoholic beverages (the level of risk rises as the amount of alcohol consumed rises);
• Being sedentary;
• Having a history of radiation exposure to the chest; or
• Taking hormone replacement therapy for an extended period of time.

Even if a woman has one or more of these risk factors for breast cancer, it does not mean she will be diagnosed with the disease. Conversely, many women diagnosed with breast cancer do not have any risk factors or unusual symptoms, which is why screening is important. Women with a personal or family history of breast cancer may want to consider genetic counseling to determine if they are at greater risk for developing the disease.

In addition, cancer screening is an essential health benefit under the Affordable Care Act, so health plans participating in the New York State of Health must cover cancer screening tests at no cost to the patient .

Call (315) 376-5453 for your FREE Breast Exam appointment at one of these four convenient locations.